MSE-2017 will be held in Lake Louise (near Banff), Canada May 11-12, 2017 (co-located with Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI).
The International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE) is dedicated to furthering undergraduate and graduate education in designing and building innovative microelectronic systems.
Papers are invited (but not limited to) to the following areas:
The conference is held in North America on odd years, and in Europe on even years, when it is called the European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME). Both conferences provide excellent opportunities for educators and industry to work together to ensure continued excellence in the field of microelectronic systems.
See our Author Information page for additional information and submission instructions.
MSE 2017 will provide student travel awards and a best paper award.
These awards are sponsored by IEEE CS Technical Committee on VLSI (TCVLSI). More information on how to submit for the travel awards will be provided soon.
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