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Conference Registration

The registration link is at the bottom of this page.

The MSE registration fee includes all MSE/GLSVLSI sessions on May 11-12, MSE Proceedings, 2 Lunches and Thursday night Banquet

Student/Life Member Early


Student/Life Member Late


IEEE Member Early


IEEE Member Late


Non-Member Early


Non-Member Late


Extra Proceedings:      $25

Author registration deadline is Thursday, March 30, 2017.

For all others, the earlybird registration deadline is Sunday, April 9, 2017 (same as the conference hotel deadline).

Wednesday, May 10, of the GLSVLSI Conference can be added at the GLSVLSI registration site (


Register for Industry-University Relations Session (no cost if registered with MSE or GLSVLSI)

Description: In the Industry-University Relations Session, several sponsoring industrial representatives will present the details of their university relations programs and demonstrate their hardware and tools. A faculty advocate will be available to describe how they use their tools in their courses. This will be an interactive session with the ability for people to move around to see the companies of interest.


Register for Innovation Workshop Challenge (no cost if registered with MSE or GLSVLSI, $50 if not registered for either conference)

Description: This workshop is geared towards developing and teaching innovation skills. Participants will be able to attend one of two workshops. The first workshop will be given by Alex Bruton of the University of Calgary on becoming more entrepreneurial and more innovative. The second workshop given by Tina Hudson from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology will present methods to teach and foster the Entrepreneurial Mindset developed by the KEEN foundation. After these workshops, participants will have an opportunity to use their new-found skills in an innovation challenge. Participants attending Alex Bruton’s workshop will practice innovation while developing the product for the challenge while participants in Tina Hudson’s group will practice fostering innovation in among the groups.

 MSE Conference Registration:

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