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Previous EWMEs

European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME)

These workshops have been held in "even" years in Europe.

Chair of EWME Steering Committee: 

EWME-2018: Braunschweig, Germany

EWME-2016: Southampton, United Kingdom

EWME-2014: Tallinn, Estonia

EWME-2012: Grenoble, France

EWME-2010: Darmstadt, Germany

EWME-2008: Budapest, Hungary

EWME-2006: Stockholm, Sweden

EWME-2004: Lausanne, Switzerland

EWME-2002: Vigo, Spain

EWME-2000: Aix-en-Provence, France

EWME-1998: Noordwijerhout, Netherlands

EWME-1996: Grenoble, France

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